another absolutely amazing sight, and another one that we breezed through all to quickly. But not to quickly to miss out on some unique moments. Like when a group of American tourist entered, and one exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, it looks just like the one in Las Vegas." For me personally, one amazing discovery was turning a corner and coming upon this bronze statue. Years ago when I was on the set dressing crew of Coppola's Dracula the sculptors on the show had made a duplicate of this in green foam and then the scenics had of course worked their magic on it. Stuffed in a shoe box somewhere is a photo of it that I had taken. I was in my early twenties when I was on that show and it had left an impression, particularly that statue. So many years later seeing it in Paris brought a lot of memories of youth back.
Then off to the Natural History Museum of Paris
which was other worldly and by the time we made it there we could barely walk. And there was a lot of walking and many stairs and we saw the space and we walked around, but we could barely appreciate it.
We started our Paris adventure having a wonderful dinner with a Randa, friend from Los Angeles who has relocated to Paris. So it was a perfect bookend to have one of our last meals with her. We had an amazing dinner at an Algerian restaurant. It was crowded. There was a long line to wait for a table. A fight almost broke out with a group of Japanese who were also vying for the same table. They would end up at the second half of the table minutes later and Skye being the diplomat she is had the whole table taking pictures of each other. We didn't end up sharing one another's food, but our conversations ended up intertwining in a lovely and organic way.
All in all it was a perfect ending for our Paris experience.
The next day was all about shopping and after buying a beautiful chef's coat, we headed down to E.Dehillerin.
It's an amazing kitchen utensil shop with shelves and shelves of pots and pans and all sorts of amazing cookware that has been around since 1820. I was in heaven, and bought or should I say brought a little bit home with me. And finally a dinner in a cafe around the corner from where we were staying, just the three of us.
Photo by Skye
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