She turned 9 the day before, June 15th. NINE, what the ......! I can barely accept my own aging process, how did she go from barely responding to me to giving me serious teenage attitude. I could swear it happened in the space of three days. But anyhow, back to reality. We are back in LA of course and Skye had a very diverse group of friends to help her bring in next year. Tucker showed up, he was a few weeks old when we got back from Tennessee. They were basket neighbors as it were. They have known of one another's presence for as long as they can remember plus like two or three years. She had a couple of friends from preschool, kindergarten, soccer, and most lately homeschooling. It was almost like Noah's ark, about 2 from each of her life experiences. For me it was cool to catch up with the parents, Cindy was a little taxed by it, but I think all in all a good time. Yeah a real good time.
climbing was the theme of the party
Skye and friends(Love that little girl)
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