After moving out of our hotel in Granada, we ended up staying in a wonderfully lovely guesthouse right on the lake front of Laguna de Apoyo. Again I cannot say enough about the quality of the water. I ended up swimming almost daily, always venturing a little further. I think I ended up making it halfway across on the last day. On my next visit I will swim across the lake. Skye made a new friend, Rosa. The new owners dog. I had made reservations several weeks before, in the course of time that followed, the house was sold to a young guy, Mike and his girlfriend. He had arrived 3 days before us, his girlfriend however and unfortunately broke her leg at their going away party and thusly and ironically didn't go away as planned. We had an amazing stay and would highly recommend.

View of lake from La Orquidea

Sunset at Laguna de Apoyo

Mike, Dad, Rosa and Skye

Jon after swim
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