Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Packing Up, Moving On; Remembering the Past--The First Box

Cindy's Finally Home....

For just over a week, and then she's off to Atlanta to start yet another movie shooting in Georgia. This time Skye and I are going to join her. We've had more than our share of separation over the last few years.

Packing and Purging

Over the years we've acquired a lot of stuff and since we don't know where we're going to end up when or for how long we are getting rid of a lot of the aforementioned stuff. Of course, we're not getting rid of everything. What to keep gets pretty tricky. For instance what makes a keepsake, a keeper? Or memorabilia, memorable enough to hang on to?

The First Box

For no other reason than it was the first bit of stuff that could grouped together, this little hodge-podge of knickknacks has the title of First Box Packed.

There's a little or sometimes not so little story behind each of these, obviously too many and too much to go into but...

I coached a few of Skye's organized sports teams.

The Medals

Packing up the medals were more about having empty space in a box that needed to be filled and they fit.

I can't believe how long I've been running in races, pretty weird for a non-runner.

Most races don't give out finishing medals, they hand out T-shirts and other swag. Only two of the medals are for actually "placing" in an event.

Nike sponsored events tend to give out medals

All of the stair climbing events have handed out medals. My favorite medal to date is the one for the Sears Tower climb, purely based on aesthetic reasons.

The LA Marathon--The simple star dates back to 1991, my first and I thought last marathon, this year I'll be running my 7th LA Marathon, 20 years later. If you think I miscounted because there are only 5 medals, I didn't. One went missing but that's a story I've promised not to go public.

Box number 1, many more to go...

Don't worry I won't go in this detail for the rest of them. You know how the first one/time always is special....