The Story of Stuff...My Stuff says Hello Good-bye
So by hook or by crook, we are hitting the road. But first we've got to get rid of a lot of stuff. These things will go via a variety or routes, to friends, bartered, Freecycle, Craig's List, Ebay, yard-sale, and on an on
Here is some of the stuff that needs to go. For some it's trash to others, treasures.....
Rabbit cages, yes rabbit cages
That's a long big cage, actually 4 of 'em put together
Wire fencing anyone?
More fencing
The funny face on the end is a bottle cap opener, that has in fact opened a goodly number of bottles, ice down drinks or plant a small garden, up to you
Bricks, cheaper by the dozen or by the ton....
A prototype composter, full of aging poultry-poo infused straw....
This spinning composter has made tons of really, really good compost out of all sorts of bio-mass
and quick too...
One galvanized trough full of good dirt, former home to an amazing tomato plant and lots of basil
Lovely rubbermaid horse trough, former home to our poultry raising experiment and tilapia breeding program.....
More to follow....
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