The Plan, The Prius, The Grapevine and Mother Nature
We had a tight schedule this Monday. Cindy had a plane to catch back in Los Angeles at 4:45pm.
So the plan was one last free breakfast, load up the Prius, drive out of the park to the point where we don't need chains, unchain the car and speed back to LA and home. Quick repack for Atlanta and then off to LAX.
We figured if we got out by 10 at the latest we'd be fine, but we would aim to leave by 8.
The plan started to unravel from the breakfast which was served at 7:30 instead of 7, which is when we thought it was.
Load the car before breakfast instead of after, no problem. But for some reason, I can't get the interior lights of the Prius to turn off by simply turning off the car. That's weird, but I can turn them off manually. Moving on.
There were a lot of people like us waiting for breakfast to open and to check-out. The hotel was closing for the season that day so there was much hustling about. It's snowing and beautiful.
7:30-We're in and chowing down, before it turns 8 we're finished and checking out.
8:00-Prius does not start....again. The guy at the gas station next to hotel is having a hard time getting his computer system up and running and one of his guys called in sick. He'll send his tow-truck driver up to the hotel when he gets in at 9.
9:00-An accident up the road shuts down access to the park. And the tow-truck driver is sent to help sort it out. Road won't open for another 45 min to an hour. Badger Pass is closed due to weather, not that we are going to Badger Pass but its closure is an indication of the severity of the storm.
10:45-Prius jumped and we're out, but the 10 am worst case leave time has passed by 45 min. I figure I can make up the lost time.
Snow is coming down hard. In spite of the road conditions and accidents along the way, I am gradually making up for lost time.
I unchain in record time and hit the road hard.
We get stuck behind a snowplow. This could seal the deal and close the door. But he pulls over and we speed by. We are making better time than expected and could still make it.
By the time we hit the hook-up with the highway going south we have made up enough time to think we are going to make it.
Unless of course, the Grapevine is closed.
The Grapevine is closed due to weather. GAME OVER.We were rerouted through Mojave. A road we know well from many a trip to and from Mammoth.

Have never seen snow in Mojave until now.

A familiar sight, minus the snow and the traffic.

The snow and traffic didn't let up as we eased into Palmdale.

All the way into Valencia the snow continued as did the accidents and bad driving.

Unlike up north, no one had snow tires or chains or knew how to drive in snow or slush.

Needless to say Cindy didn't make her flight. Our 5 hour trip up turned into an 8 1/2 epic journey. But we did finally make it home.
And then it was time to get Cindy to LAX for a red-eye to Atlanta.