Tuesday, October 12, 2010

As the Ankle Turns, or (hopefully not)

A few days before the race, my ankle started feeling a little tender. So I started trying out the various ankle braces and supports.

Protection Level 3--Seemed like a bit much and could definitely be a little hard to run in and according to the instructions might take a few days to "adjust', days I didn't have.

All strapped up and ready to go. I got a blister first run out, two days before the race.

The night before I walked part of the course. It was full of ankle twisting terrain. So the next I smeared New Skin all over my heel, plastered my foot with moleskin and the strapped and tightened up the brace. I then jammed the unwieldy bundle in my shoe and hoped for the best.

I Survived

I Endured