Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Well, that is sort of what started it all, isn't it?
We had a beautiful Americana hen which laid blue-green eggs, but whose time with us was cut short by the feral neighborhood dogs. I was missing those eggs and started doing the math of when would be the earliest we would have those again based on the chicks and/or the fertile eggs that were on the way. That's when I remembered that there were some young Americana hens at Malibu Feed. What a great post-Easter surprise that would make for Skye on her return. Except that there were no Americana hens left, but there were some really, really other beautiful girls there and I still wanted to have an Easter surprise for Skye.

Hanging out with the new chicks on the block.
These two little ones were too cute too pass up, although I probably should have in retrospect. Upon introducing them to the old hens, I quickly was reminded of the term "hen pecked" as they immediately jumped all over the newbies. Well for the time being they could stay in the trough that was sitting empty but already prepped for chicks.
All was well and fine and Skye loved them and was bubbling with surprise when they were there to greet her.

The newbies since named Milky Way and Coal checking out Daisy and actually co-existing with Oreo and Blondie.
Well, that is sort of what started it all, isn't it?
We had a beautiful Americana hen which laid blue-green eggs, but whose time with us was cut short by the feral neighborhood dogs. I was missing those eggs and started doing the math of when would be the earliest we would have those again based on the chicks and/or the fertile eggs that were on the way. That's when I remembered that there were some young Americana hens at Malibu Feed. What a great post-Easter surprise that would make for Skye on her return. Except that there were no Americana hens left, but there were some really, really other beautiful girls there and I still wanted to have an Easter surprise for Skye.
Hanging out with the new chicks on the block.
These two little ones were too cute too pass up, although I probably should have in retrospect. Upon introducing them to the old hens, I quickly was reminded of the term "hen pecked" as they immediately jumped all over the newbies. Well for the time being they could stay in the trough that was sitting empty but already prepped for chicks.
All was well and fine and Skye loved them and was bubbling with surprise when they were there to greet her.
The newbies since named Milky Way and Coal checking out Daisy and actually co-existing with Oreo and Blondie.
What was the question/dilemma again?
As part of the Ecology class I'm teaching we tried incubating some fertile eggs and had disastrous results. Now being of the mindset of, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again, I got a new batch of fertile eggs. And to cover myself so as to not have so many disappointed kids, in case we had a repeat performance, I also ordered 25 day old chicks to be shipped close to the time the eggs were due to hatch.
The day Skye returned I got an e-mail saying the chicks were shipped and would be there Sunday-Tuesday. No mail agencies deal with mail on Sunday, so the earliest they'd get there would be what, Tuesday. Yeah Tuesday sounds right.
So as I was racing to get the Ecology class ready, (it was going to be a final review) and to lay out a Science Fair, I recieved the call. "Jon you've got a box of live chicks here....."

The back up plan/safety net arrive.

Too cute... and the cute montage follows.....

Warning, way too cute photos....

Definitely go the cute going on ...

We dipped their beaks into the water to get things going in the right direction. Of the 27 chicks that were sent, only two died and all are eating and I have seen no pecking or cannibalism was going on.
So what's the problem?
Needless to say the Ecology class was thrown off. And what about Milky Way and Coal. And there is the incubator, a damned if you do, damned if you don't return.
Things will sort out
Until then let cuteness reign.

The day Skye returned I got an e-mail saying the chicks were shipped and would be there Sunday-Tuesday. No mail agencies deal with mail on Sunday, so the earliest they'd get there would be what, Tuesday. Yeah Tuesday sounds right.
So as I was racing to get the Ecology class ready, (it was going to be a final review) and to lay out a Science Fair, I recieved the call. "Jon you've got a box of live chicks here....."
The back up plan/safety net arrive.
Too cute... and the cute montage follows.....
Warning, way too cute photos....
Definitely go the cute going on ...
We dipped their beaks into the water to get things going in the right direction. Of the 27 chicks that were sent, only two died and all are eating and I have seen no pecking or cannibalism was going on.
So what's the problem?
Needless to say the Ecology class was thrown off. And what about Milky Way and Coal. And there is the incubator, a damned if you do, damned if you don't return.
Things will sort out
Until then let cuteness reign.
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