Warrior Dash 2010, A 3-Mile Obstacle Course, A Great Post-Race Party...Another Wake-Up Call
It was around an 1 1/2 hour drive to the race which was enough time to start getting cold feet. I hadn't been training, and again too much caffeine, too much beer, not eating right and not enough sleep. I was feeling like I was going to have similar results to the L.A. Marathon, except a lot faster as in a shorter race.

I knew I was in the right place, but was I ready?
In a word, no.
Skye who was visiting Cindy in Atlanta, reminded me to have fun not to worry about how fast I ran it. Simple stuff, the kind of stuff I would say to her were the roles reversed. I was very, very proud of her for her wisdom and with that I got ready to be a warrior.

Game On

It looked a lot like other races I'd run.

With a mud pit at the finish.

And a check-in tent in the shape of a Viking Helmet.
The Race That Is A Photo-OP
If you ignore the fence and then the houses in the background, you might think these Valkyries had just come down from Valhalla.

Although looked at from another angle, a little less idyllic.

That is one tough warrior chick.

"You really should rethink, the Rehab thing. Amy Winehouse is not the best of roll models"

Celtic Warrior, although to be really authentic, he'd have to lose the kilt.

Don't really understand the concept here but "Bat-jama" seems to be doing something right.

The two buff book-ends to the nerdy girl warriors were in my heat. I beat them at least.

There were a lot of "Cross-Fit" types.

This tribe seemed to be in it for the long haul, like they were on tour or something.

A Boulder Heave, now that is something I should be good at.

That's me tied for first place, misspelling and all.

The "kids" posing with the cops were the only other people I saw try the boulder toss.
The Warrior Dash
The Race Part
Another Wake-Up Call
The race itself was hot and dusty. I was already dehydrated before the race began. So even though it was only a three mile run, I knew it wasn't going to be fun. Again, I was a victim of my own demons; Too much caffeine, too much beer, not enough sleep, and not eating well. It was a race that was practically designed for me; a slight down hill on trails with a couple of steep hills to climb thrown in. The obstacles were all much smaller and easier than what appears on the website. I opted not to wear the knee pads I'd gotten which was a good decision. The tunnel was just a ten foot sono-tube not the corrugated monster shown in web pics. The balance beams were twice as wide and half as far across as the ones I'd fallen off of and onto in a Muddy Buddy a couple years back that gave me the biggest bruise of my life, which is saying something. The mudpit was not that muddy not too wet or deep and the "barbed wire" was strung up pretty high which is fine cause I don't really like that part of the race anyway. All in all it was a lot of fun, but frustrating because of how easy it should have been had I been in decent shape.
So with new vigor, I resolve to get back in shape....again.
As I type this out at 1:47 am knowing full well I need to be at Universal Props at 6 am.
When will I learn?