Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coming up for air

I have been meaning to post for a while now, but much too busy. So as I have in the past, for better or worse, gonna run down what I want to blog about, what I plan to blog about and then we'll see what actually makes the cut as it were.....

Backyard Buddies

The Concept, The Reality, The Future

The Marathon

Did that really happen? I can tell by the difficulty getting up and down stairs that it must have but.....


Oh yeah my lovely wife from what almost feels like another life. She was here for the weekend. It was like she never left, except of course, that the house looked like a bomb went of, literally and the addition of tadpoles, mantids, and a toad, oh yeah and 3- 8 foot long aquariums and....

Somehow we managed to reconnect with friends we hadn't seen in years whose son has known Skye longer than anyone(They watched Laker Games side by side before they could crawl, OK Rodney and I watched with napping infants at our feet), do our taxes, go out for sushi at one of our favorite restaurants, fix Skye's broken Iphone, run a marathon and remember how much we love one another.

Skye becomes a Cadet

Crossing bridges

Fertile Eggs-A-Go-Go, or the End of an Odyssey

All the stages of Embryonic Chicken development, save one...You guessed it, the cute and fuzzy chick. We came close, saw a head and heard some peeps

History for Hire

A home school field trip

The Hot Water Heater Nightmare

How condensation and cheap copper pipes rocked my world

So now you know...Where in the World is Jon?