Not keeping up to date with my blog sometimes has sad and unintended consequences.
Originally shot this to show how the chickens are acting as incredibly efficient garbage disposals.
Introducing our lovely ladies
This is Oreo. She is a Barred Plymouth Rock and the first to lay eggs. She has been consistently providing one egg daily.
This is Blondie. She is one of the original "rescued" chickens from the less than reputable pet shop. She hasn't laid an egg yet and I don't know if she will, but she is a sweet, sweet girl. I was told she was a leghorn. That was before I knew much about chickens. I am confident that she is Buff Orpington.
Lovely, lovely Mary, our beautiful Americana. She started laying gorgeous blue-green eggs a day after Oreo. She got out of the coup one day when the marauding feral dogs were making there rounds. They came after her in the middle of our yard and well, I don't want to go into details. We miss her dearly.
A lovely trio.
Death Row
The Garden Pathway is pretty much the only place where I can dig deep enough without disturbing the landscape to bury our fallen friends.
Sort of like Forest Lawn
This rock will mark Mary final resting place. I plan to install a blue pathway light in the stone to light the step.
It feels like a real farm, full of the triumphs and travails of your typical farm.
Skye is learning much about life in this Urban Farm Experiment
Mary R.I.P.
Chickens love to eat mealworms. Sorry about Mary. That was sad.
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