The other night I canned some salsa using tomatoes from the garden, made a few jars of fresh salsa that have been devoured pretty quickly.
I started reading a very amusing book, The $64 Tomato, William Alexander, a bit too close too home, but really very funny. He kind of figured out what one tomato cost him, after all the money put into renovations, "organic" and "local" gardening, etc. etc. and it came out to $64 per tomato. At the rate I am going I have him beat.
I had to climb up on a bucket that balanced on a cinderblock wall, which was unstable and scary to secure the fencing.
But then it was several a couple of terraces down to fall.
This tomato plant I almost yanked up last year and then it just went wild. But it was becoming a tangled mess until I was able to spread it out on the TSS.
Free to spread out and grow. But not until I trimmed away half of it, dead and lame.
It's like tomato puppetry.
This tomato plant is actually quite famous. It's called the Mortgage Lifter and has some great stories behind it. More on that later, another post another time. But this tomato is supposed to come in between 2 to 4 pounds. WOW!!!
A door to protect the little Koi.
This looks great! Be careful though. I don't want to read the post about you getting hurt falling down the yard.
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