The Renaissance Faire can be used as a wonderful educational tool. That's the persuasive argument I often make to get Cindy to come with us. But this time around I really am using it as such. In fact Skye and are watching "The Comedy of Errors" at this very moment.
I've forgotten what an amazing period in history the European Renaissance was. And with several weeks left, I have lots of time to thoroughly teach Skye many lessons, ranging from history to art, from cuisine to costume-making, music and literature. It will be a busy and interesting time to be sure.
Skye watches on potter makes a clay tankard as they would have in England in the 1500's
Checking out how wool was spun.
16th century thrill ride
Skye was hardly enthusiastic about performing on stage with a foam rubber sword. I could hardly blame her.
We are planning to go a few more times in the upcoming weeks and would love some company.
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