- Lakers-- Pretty much biding my time til the playoffs. They're playing great, second in the league by a game with 12 games left of the regular season. I have reduced my game watching time significantly, which will change come April.
- Lance Armstrong broke his collarbone in a race in Spain on Monday, but says it shouldn't affect him racing in the Tour de France.
- My marathon training has been hampered by a slight cold in the last couple days. Also I am realizing again how the training for a marathon and jui jitsu are very different. Oh well
Getting back into the park day schedule. Skye's getting her Super Duper project ready for Thursday. I am as I often am in deep study mode on teaching philosophies. Reading The Educated Child by William Bennett and The Underacheiving School by John Holt and then The Parents Guid to Alternatives in Education. Each one quite different from the other. Much to digest and consider while trying to give Skye an upbringing that won't leave her on the streets, a shrink's couch, or running away with the circus.
I have on order several unique and rare Habanero chile plants from a wonderfully interesting grower in San Diego. Check out his story at Refining Fire Chiles. Also on order are several Heirloom tomato plants from another local grower, Laurel's heirloom tomatos. I'm trying to buy as much as I can from local and small organic growers. Also composting everything in site as well tending to the worm farms which are churning out a good amount of castings. Should be a bountiful harvest.
Set Decorator Society of America
Although I just recently changed my status with Local 44 to property so that I could have more flexibility schedule wise, I am remaing active in the SDSA. We have many new members to the board. I continue to chair the events committee and plan to increase the number and variety of events we host.
The Social Experiment.
Can't comment until the experiment concludes next Wednesday.
Stay tuned
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