This is camp the morning after, not so bad. But as much as I love the smell of a bacon at campfire in the morning, it was way to cold. So of to the local cafe for a nice breakfast, warm bathrooms, and the internet.(Lakers continue to win)
Stretching out in amazingness of Bryce National Park. We escaped the crowds by hiking into the canyon, yes there were tourist buses and SUVs packed with vacationers, but still pretty empty compared to most of the year.
Absolutely exquisite.
The trails were pretty muddy which led to us mud-skiing as Skye called it. It made for getting out of the canyon a tedious yet comical adventure.
Post card perfect.
After several hours of hiking, Skye had had enough and was ready to get back to camp.
Skye spotted this gorgeous buck and was snapped out this shot. It became one of the highlights of the trip.
Back at camp, after numerous attempts we realized the snow wasn't quite right to make snowmen, not sticky enough, I suppose. So we made 2 dimensional snow men instead.
We had Turkey dogs and smores again. Much windier and colder than night before.
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