When I started this blog I had no idea what a responsibility it would become. My mom called me the other day wondering where the latest blog was. And already after having just submitted one of my only picture less posts, I've received an e-mail wondering where the pics were. I had just written a quick summary of events to be followed by pictures to get something, anything out there. Granted I've often promised follow-ups that have never materialized, but this time was different.
No Really.
So here goes. The first thing I had to do on the re-shoots was to get to the Dreamworks warehouse and find some of the stuff we needed. On arrival I was faced with several flashback of property and decor that I'd used, moved, created what have you from other Dreamworks shows I've worked on. Such as these lovely paintings from the Haunting. The frames were so massive and heavy we used a forklift to hang them.
The Haunting, even though it was probably 12 years ago, almost feels like yesterday and yet it also feels like different life.
I didn't work on the Spiderwick Chronicles, but I couldn't pass up this photo -op.
Oh, along with everything else going on, a friend recently invited Cindy and I to take part in The Alpha Course, a ten part series where we meet to discuss the Bible. It has been a great opportunity to think about my own beliefs, look back at how I was raised, (Christian Science) and to discuss a topic that is often off-limits in a open and casual environment. It's been a good and thought-provoking change of pace. Quick note; I still do not consider myself a "Christian" as I don't consider myself an atheist or a Buddhist, I probably am most aligned with Taoism which plenty of people don't consider a religion, more of a philosophy.
The kids dining before the adults start talking about all that boring stuff. They by the way get to spend a few hours hanging out and playing, so the deeper our talk goes the more play time they get.
Absolutely wonderful field trip out to the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga for a showing of Macbeth. The kids did several theater workshops prior to the performance.
The audience was packed with several public school groups and two home school groups.
A few days later we went on a field trip out in West Lake to the Chumash Indian Museum. What a lovely setting and very informative presentation. Our docent did feel a little rushed, but you could see by the big yellow school buses coming and going that the other groups weren't nearly as flexible about time as we were. One of the great pluses of home schooling.
Skye and Micah checking out their new digs.
Let the games begin. The kids got to try out a game that the Chumash played.
The girl scout season has come to a close, now Skye is no longer a newbie. Congratulations on your first year as a Girl Scout, Skye.
Speaking of Congratulations, a big one goes out to my Nephew, Adam Cohen Carr. He just graduated from UCLA.
He's finally out of school, but now unlike Skye he's a total Newbie. I'm sure he'll be fine.
Again big applause, and CONGRATS to Adam.
More congratulations go out to soon-to-be married Sondra and Max. With much, much regret we won't be able to make it to their wedding in Hawaii. But at least we made it a cocktail party celebration.
Guys come on, you're just getting started.
OK? There are a bunch of pics. The photos and tales of Skye's birthday party and sleep-over with 10 girls will be soon to follow.
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