Good answer.
So we continued to find hidden Easter eggs(the plastic ones with goodies inside) for the next few days and I continued to work on the Koi pond
however I was also helping out an old friend, Sean Hood with a short film he was shooting. By old, I don't mean his age, I mean I've know him for like forever. We worked on the first season of Twin Peaks together, as well as the second and we worked on a ton of other things until he got smart and got out of set dressing and into writing and directing. Anyhow, I was "production designing" for his short which he was doing with Filmmakers Alliance, a great organization I should have joined years ago, basically a co-op for filmmakers to get independent films made. I don't do it justice, better yet click on the link to check it out.
Skye chilling while head to Home Depot to return the pond that didn't fit and then off to the film set.
But wait also we were getting ready for the monthly Super Duper Show and Tell, which is part of the Santa Monica Homeschooling group. The Super Dupers are always a lot of fun and they give me a good topic to form lessons around. This month was art so we did some art history, checked out the Getty and the L.A. County Museum of Art, in fact joined LACMA.
Cindy and I couldn't believe how long it had been since we'd been to the museum. Yet another example of either taking local things for granted or figuring you can see it any time and then......
We played around with a lot of ideas for her art project and ended up with a surreal sculpture/photo display. Pretty cool actually.
Skye getting ready to discuss her piece, titled, "My Strange Neighborhood"
"My Strange Neighborhood"
Her piece was a big hit as were my contributions to the pot luck, "french fried polenta" and "cauliflower pocorn" from an delightful cookbook "Surreal Gourmet Bites" , appropriate I thought. They didn't turn out quite right visually but they were quite tasty and nothing was left, always a good sign. Although the mess I made in the kitchen, well, let's just say I am lucky that Cindy is who she is.
Look out Bears in the Village at Mammoth. Run for your lives
A mother bear and her cub created quite the stir by strolling along the shopping area. Skye got close enough to almost pet them. They really liked the ice cream cone she gave the cub.
April Fool's !!!!
Ok so it's April fourth but I took the picture on April 1. The bears are a statue if you hadn't already realized.
We tripped up to Mammoth for some Spring skiing cause we'd only been once this year and only for a day on the way back from Oregon and without Cindy. So we were due. It was amazingly warm and as always beautiful and what a lovely escape.
Skye and Cinders outside of our hotel.
Long before this restaurant was opened, back when the village was first being built I've always taken a picture of Skye at this location. I'll have to do a series soon.
We're not quite as clumsy as we look....
OK we are.
Like usual I'm trying to catch up to Skye.
Hey so I've included a lot of links, just click and take a look.
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