No big news recently, a lot of little things. I'm not crazy busy but I have more to do than time to do it. So that plus I'm baking in my office, which is just too weird because it is the end of October and in the 90's, plus the toxic air is getting to me, both from the fires and Skye's Halloween costume project. For that reason I am going to rattle off happening and thoughts, draw from it as you may and I promise a more coherent entry soon. AYSO continues,"Go Green Lizards", NBA preseason, season begins for
Lakers Oct. 30, Kobe?
Jui jitsu is kicking my ass and I'm loving it. Homeschooling park dates and adventures, like the
Spider Pavilion at the Natural History musuem.
Pumpkin patch with family and friends, awesome corn maize, over 2 acres, 45 min with a map, sorry no pics. Skye's Halloween costume has become a big project with more impracticalities than I foresaw.
LA is burning.

Skye's Halloween costume, Stage 1

Skye and Micah playing King of the Hill, corn maze in background. Just look at the bottom right and you can see the top of the corn stalks.

Skye's soccer team, the Green Lizards

Skye pictured next to spider. Forced smile

Beautiful big spider, forgot the name.
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