As the summer winds down and a new school year is upon us, Cindy and I started working on the L.A. portion of a movie starring Emma Roberts, "Wild Child". Which is great, cause we needed to work. But then Cindy gets another, longer, bigger, better job,(in L.A. thank goodness) Anyway it's been a bunch of juggling, with Skye in day camp and me trying to prepare for home school and house guests coming in town. And top it off with a weird heat wave that coincided with my drip-irrigation system going on the fritz. I know it sounds convoluted and not making much sense, but it was that squared.
So working in LA. Culture shock!!!! I forgot how much driving we do as Set Decorators. My carbon footprint just got a couple sizes bigger. And how much traffic there is and how nonsensical its patterns are, crazy!!!
House guests--Lovely couple, Susanne and Fady. Documentary film makers, she from Barcelona, he from Iraq. Both so gracious, warm and wonderful. Back story long and not uninteresting, just, as usual I am behind schedule, with too much to do, so main thread is Fady was one of the producers on Hometown Baghdad . Amazing online web series about life in Baghdad. Must check it out. Just click on above link and off you'll go. So Cindy's longtime friend, Laurie Meadoff founded Chat the Planet, and there is the link to Fady. Unfortunately, we were very busy, they were busy so we didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked. Susanne returned to Spain and Fady, well he's studying here at U.S.C. graduate film school so hopefully we'll be seeing more of him.
But their visit was a perfect excuse to host another pizza making party. Throw in some kids, a heat wave and the last days of summer and it becomes a pool party as well. Great fun, but man it gets hot in front of that pizza oven, around 1000 F, with heat from the grill coming at you from the other direction. I got cooked pretty good. But it was all worth it.
Stop, pause, and quick rewind, to one more gardening project I'm embarking on and very excited about, heirloom tomatoes. Picked up some fall-winter varieties from Laurel's Heirloom Tomatoes. It might sound silly, but I'm very excited, yummy, yummy.
What's up Kaya?
Wonderfully eclectic group.
And night descends......
Susanne and Fady
Ping ping was part of the second wave of guests
Good night. Thanks for sharing.
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