Mazatlan was nice. Over touristy, yeah. But we had a nice meal, beautiful beach, good brekfast. It would have been nice to stay longer, but on we had to go.
We had just finished going on about the great road system when we hit a detour. Both of us assumed it would be a few miles and then we would back on the racetrack we had gotten accustomed to. We were so wrong. The detour never took us back to a speedway. Granted the road surface remained quite good, but the grade, the turns; we went from averaging 65 mph to 30 mph on average. A dramatic coastline has its drawbacks. Our mileage went from over 800 to just above 400. We thought we might hit Acapulco. We made it half way there, driving again in the dark, only for a bit, to Manzanillo. We did have a wonderful lunch in Puerto Vallerta
but that's all we could afford there(in time currency) beautiful place, amazing beaches and cliffs, but we had to press on.
Our Manzanillo hotel when we left. Yes it was still dark. Like I said we had to press on.
Acapulco greeting daylight. It was so nice to arrive at a destination before it was dark. Granted it was dark by the time we checked in, but we arrived in daylight and that was a huge success. Acapulco is crazy big, but still beautiful. Because we drove both in and out we were able to see what a massive sprawl it really is and we also saw the poverty stricken suburbs(not even close to an accurate word) that support our luxury tourism. But again I can't take away from Acapulco's striking beauty.
Acapulco at night from our dinner at our hotel.
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