Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter from Portland

Skye and I head up to Portland to have a nice Easter break with Cindy. We stay at Timberline Lodge, up at Mt. Hood. Absolutely beautiful and clear when we get up there. I take one picture, figuring we'll pose tommorrow when we're all a bit more rested.....

A bit of advice, sieze the moment, especially when it comes to photo ops. The next day brought clouds. Really couldn't tell where we were. It was slushy and rainy there would be no skiing today.

Back in Portland, we took the MAX, up to the World Forestry Center. Another fun homeschool/tourist/family outing combo oppurtunity. We realize how exhausted we all are, that we all are fighting colds and sniffles, and the weekend becomes a wonderful series of naps, TV and take out food. Skye was much more adept at finding the Easter Bunny's hidden offerings. With that we say