Okay, I go somewhat regularly to a dermatologist to get my skin checked out for cancer, being so pale and pink. And I generally get some stuff frozen or cut away. All in house, takes a few minutes, no big deal. That being said, you wouldn't think I would be too shocked when I got the call that a
biopsy came back with the result being
melanoma. Turns out I had a surface variety that apparently is the best one to get, it spreads on the surface before going deeper and into your lymph system, etc. The good news, we caught it early, they sliced it out, chest
ex ray clean, lab report says they got it. Bad news, I am even more
predisposed to get it in the future than I thought, oh by the way I was shock, smack you in the head and look at the world a bit differently kind of shocked, which means more regular check ups and monitoring. And my tattoo is rather marred, to the point that I don't know if it still holds its original meaning,
"Never give up, Persevere" Ironic, foretelling, I try not to read too much into it, but what the hell? So
Toshi or Deborah, if you read this can you check out the before and after and tell me.

You see that little scab? That was where the mole was that they
biopsied. The one next to it is obviously the after, note the tattoo alteration.
So I guess I am officially a cancer survivor. I didn't lose a testicle or breast, or have to go through chemo or major surgery, so I probably won't be winning the Tour or making the
talk show circuit. I just got a little scarred or scared depending on how you look at it.