I was just checking my old cell phone messages that I hadn't deleted yet and it really helped me remember why I had been so busy and what I've been up to. I know I sound like a broken record and for those who are too young to get the reference, it means I keep repeating myself. Anyway I was very very busy coordinating and setting up seminars/workshops for the Set Decorator Marketplace 2008. I had arranged two tents and eight seminars, figuring that people would drop out and I'd end up with maybe 6. I also started this project months ago with a co-chair, who had actually done this the year before and kind of knew what to expect. Unfortunately he had to drop out and I was set to learn by trial and error.
In the end it went off very well. I was thrilled with the actual seminars and learned a lot. Thanks to all involved. Way too many to get into here, but you can check it out at the
SDSA website.
I was also working as a buyer on a television pilot. For me it was like a vacation. I did my job but didn't have the overwhelming responsibility that the decorator or lead do. So given the success of that venture, I am even more resolute on reclaiming my Property card and giving up my Set Decorator card. It's been a fun ride but in the end I don't have the flexibility or the time, money(or lack thereof) and effort to keep to that course.
I've been trying to get in shape, but again have had no real consistancy. But for those who missed it, I did finish my first triathlon. Hurray for me!

Cindy has started working again so I have jumped back in the home school world.
With a little push from home school mom and fellow runner, Theresa Haynes I started a little running club with the home school kids to participate in this really cool project called
Marathon Kids set up to get kids involved in running.

Some of the crew who made it to the kickoff event at UCLA.

Skye helped me set up the Pumpkin Patch at the SDSA Marketplace. She was a real trooper that day as it was in the 90's hitting 100 F in the valley even though it was the middle of October.
I've hit the ground running with the home schooling this year, bridging what Cindy had been doing. Helped Skye put do a project on the Black Death in Europe for the Time Traveler's History Club. Been shuttling her between her flute lessons, Tae Kwon Do, libraries and of course park days.
Me and the home school moms witnessed this police disturbance at the park the other day. The officer has the suspect detained while the owner went to retrieve a bag to, well collect evidence, I suppose.
Also running all over town to help to put together the White Witch of Narnia costume and requisite Turkish Delights for the Super Duper Show and Tell. Which again the weather did little to inspire feelings of a shift of seasons. Where is Autumn?

Skye as the Winter Witch, burning up waiting for winter in her fur(fake for PETA).

She was out of her outfit withing minutes because of the lack of fall or winternessness.