Yet another crazy fun race event, the
Muddy Buddy. And again Kip Haynes steps up as my racing partner at the last minute. I've been wanting to run this event for a while now and it turned out to be a lot of fun.

The race; 1 teammate starts on a bike, the other starts running, 2-minutes behind. There are 4 obstacles on the course, each serving as a transition point as well when teammates trade biking/running responsibilities. It was a tough one to figure out a good pace, at least for me. I went out pretty strong and was dying by the end, actually grateful to do something as simple as crawl/swim in mud.
One of the obstacles that I "went out strong on" was the balance beams. You know there are like five balance beams alongside one another, a turn around moment for Richard Gere in "An Officer and a Gentleman". Anyway, I started to lose my balance, my legs were a little wobbly from the bike, so I jumped over to the beam next to me, no problem. Oops lost balance again, just jump back. Not so fast, I missed and landed hard on the beam with my thigh, luckily not my ribs, they would of cracked like toothpicks. My leg however could withstand the blow. I shook myself off, told the race officials I was fine, no I didn't need an ambulance and took off running.

This mark is 11" by 2.5", swollen and growing more purple as the hours pass.

We made it!!!

I am going to fire my photographer. Just kidding Cindy.

Their showers consisted of around 20 sets of hoses. This only got more interesting as the day went on.
Check it out. We've got video.